www.racfconsultant.com has been created by Mike Cairns, an independent IT Security and specialist Mainframe systems consultant, to showcase the services and products he and his associates provide in the mainframe security and management arena. It is also our hope that the community of mainframe security professionals will reference this site and it becomes a hub for social networking amongst this tightly knit community of colleagues.

We market and support several Mainframe Security management and auditing products, with distribution rights over these in the Asia Pacific market, see our Products page for details of these. We also offer support for security and audit related products for which we are not a distributor but where we know our knowledge of the products is as good or better than can be obtained elsewhere.

We provide many services to the mainframe security community and companies that rely on the industrial strength security of the mainframe.

We work closely with national and international auditing firms and associations to provide the highest quality of technical audit for mainframe and large scale computer systems available.

Please look around the site, access the numerous resources we provide, and feel free to send any and all feedback directly to the site owner here.

WHO WE ARE: Mike Cairns

Mike has been working with mainframes since 1986 and with computers since 1978 when he was lucky enough to discover the Tandy TRS80. He has extensive international experience with some of the largest datacentres in the world and brings this breadth of knowledge and his personal commitment to excellence to every customer he works with.

David Stephens:

David Stephens is the Lead Systems Programmer of our partner, Longpela Expertise. He specialises in z/OS and related systems consulting including CPU reduction, systems tuning, problem determination, and security analysis. His areas of expertise include assembler programming, dump analysis, and CICS and IMS systems support. David is one of the leading z/OS technical specialists, and has been working with z/OS since 1989.

Julie-Ann Williams:

Julie-Ann Williams heads our UK partner Millenia Business Systems Ltd and has been messing around with IBM mainframe computers for most of the last 30 years. She has been helping Customers to get ready for external audits since 1987.

As well as being something of a security geek, Julie-Ann has extensive experience with web enabling mainframe applications for large IBM Customers and was one of the first people in Europe to implement Domino (Lotus Notes) on a mainframe. She has an unusual blend of skills encompassing detailed, classic mainframe knowledge (don’t call it legacy!) as well as “newer” technologies like WebSphere, TCP/IP and UNIX combined with communications abilities and Mentoring. She’s pretty sure that the last two used to be called having a chat with your colleagues in the good old days.

For the complete Geeks out there – Julie-Ann appeared on several series of BBC Television’s Robot Wars as a member of Team Katerkiller!